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Sneak a Peek at the User Group Summit Schedule

Last year’s User Group Summit was an exciting event filled with educational sessions, inspiring case studies, and opportunities to network and exchange ideas. This year, we’re looking forward to making it even better.

Don't take our word for it, here's what last year's attendees had to say:

Our team is currently hard at work developing a program filled with insightful sessions that will bring real value to our customers. As we count down the days to the end of advance pricing, we’re excited to share some insights about the content development process and some sneak peeks of the sessions we’ll be presenting.

User Group Summit Advance Pricing Ends In:

How Sessions are Planned

A major focus of session planning is understanding what kind of sessions attendees would find valuable. After all, the User Group Summit is for you – so we want to make sure the content is centered around your business challenges, goals, and interests. Understanding these factors is at the heart of the planning process.

We use several channels to understand what our customers want and need:

  • Surveys – After last year’s User Group Summit, we compiled feedback from all of our attendees on what was great, where they’d like to see improvements, and what topics and formats they’d like to see covered in future events. During the initial stages of schedule planning, we sent additional invitations for companies who attended to send their suggestions for this year’s program. This allowed us to understand how our customers’ needs have evolved over the intervening months.
  • Customer Trends – The AvSight content creation team includes members of a wide range of departments including product, development, support, implementation, marketing, and sales. These individuals talk to a wide ranging group of customers in different circumstances – new and long time users, users celebrating wins and users experiencing challenges. This varied experience offers a realistic snapshot of our customers’ challenges and goals. Our content team looked at common support tickets, feature requests, and direct customer feedback to suggest additional topics.
  • Customer Advisory Group – Once the feedback has been compiled, we bring it to our Customer Advisory Group in order to refine the suggestions and ensure that we understood the feedback correctly. We meet with them at various points throughout the development process and invite their feedback on topics covered, session schedules, and outlines for each session.

Why Early Bird Pricing?

AvSight customers who register early for User Group Summit get a couple of special advantages. For starters, they are able to secure a spot before the event sells out. They also get a significant discount on attendee registration fees. We’re able to offer this discount for two reasons:


Early registrants have lower costs. Putting on an event for 300 people is a costly proposition – meeting spaces, meals, networking events – it all adds up. Because of our commitment to helping our customers leverage AvSight for the growth of their businesses,  we cover a significant portion of these expenses. Event venues increase the cost of many items the later they’re added. Early registrations help make the event more affordable, so we pass those savings on to our customers.


Early registrants help us shape the agenda. A major focus of the User Group Summit is on providing sessions that will be valuable to our customers. As we shape the schedule, we pay special attention to the business segments and job roles of attendees and work on creating sessions that will be relevant to their needs. Customers who register early contribute greatly to the success of the User Group Summit.


Save Your Spot

What’s New at User Group 2024?

The inaugural User Group Summit in 2023 was an action packed and exciting event with overwhelmingly positive feedback. But the AvSight team is not one to settle for good. Just as we constantly innovate and develop features to make our platform better, we want each User Group Summit to be better than the last. To that end, we put out a call for feedback from last year’s attendees and are using their suggestions to make the 2024 event even better. Below are a few highlights.

Hands On Workshop Sessions

Learning a new skill is great, but sometimes you need some hands on experience to fully grasp the underlying concepts. This year, we’ll be offering several combo sessions that will begin with a class covering basic concepts, followed by a workshop with step by step guidance so you can put your newfound skills to use in your own AvSight sandbox. If you’ve been looking to make your first custom report, try your hand at building a flow, or get started customizing page layouts, you don’t want to miss these hands on sessions.

Session Sneak Peak - Hands on Workshop Sessions

Reporting for Finance + Let’ s Build a Report

This class and workshop combo will start with an overview of AvSight’s reporting capabilities and how they can be leveraged for finance use cases. Then you’ll get a chance to put your knowledge to the test by building a report in your Sandbox.


Automation for Work Order + Let’s Build a Notification

Automation can have a huge impact on MRO efficiency. In this class and workshop combo, we’ll examine work order use cases for automation and considerations for automating your processes. Then we’ll show you how to build an automated notification in your AvSight Sandbox.


Page Layouts and Custom Fields + Let’s Customize a Page Layout

Creating custom fields and page layouts is a great way to customize AvSight for your orgs needs. In this class and workshop combo, we’ll look at how and why you should leverage fields and page layouts. Then we’ll show you how to create a custom page layout in your AvSight Sandbox.


Flow Use Cases + Let’s Build a Flow

Flows are an incredibly powerful tool that can be used for everything from sending notifications to auto quoting. In this class and workshop combo, we’ll take a look at some of the groundbreaking ways AvSight users are leveraging flows. Then we’ll walk you through creating your first basic flow and share some resources for continuing to develop your skills.


Working with Form Editor + Let’s Customize a Form

AvSight’s Form Editor makes customizing forms for your needs a breeze. In this class and workshop combo, we’ll take a look at this powerful tool and how it can be used. Then we’ll walk you through customizing a form in your Sandbox.

Save Your Spot

Bonus Masterclass Workshops

Bonus Workshops were a big hit in 2023. These relaxed nerd-out sessions provide the opportunity to dive deep into complex subjects. This year we’re bringing Bonus Workshops back with a couple improvements. We’ve doubled the space allotted to workshops to accommodate even more attendees. We’re also adding an extra 30 minutes between sessions to allow for more Q&A and conversations.

Session Sneak Peak - Bonus Masterclass Workshop Sessions

Bonus Masterclass Workshop – Processing Mapping Strategy

Is your team looking to leverage AvSight to the max? Do you dream of automating, streamlining, and customizing your workflows? The technical possibilities are endless. But in reality, the success of a project often hinges on a far less glamorous, but oh so necessary, task – process mapping. A good understanding of the “hows” and “whys” of your existing processes allows you to uncover inefficiencies and redundancies and identify opportunities to optimize and automate.


In this Masterclass Bonus Workshop, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of process mapping and share how to get started. This class will be especially valuable for those who are overseeing teams, SMEs, and admins. But we think the principles will also be useful to anyone looking to streamline their personal workflows.


Bonus Masterclass Workshop – Building an AvSight Training Program

Being a part of a growing organization is exciting. It’s also a *lot* of work. Scaling your business requires new hires, role shifts, and process adjustments. Keeping your team running smoothly and fostering a growth mindset requires regular systematic development of hard and soft skills. Not sure where to start? In this Bonus Masterclass Workshop, we’ll cover strategies, methods, key topics, and other essential considerations.


This session will be valuable for SMEs, AvSight Admins, and those in leadership roles.


Bonus Masterclass Workshop – Reporting Hacks

Data visibility is crucial to setting and achieving business objectives. In this workshop, we’ll take examine powerful but underutilized reporting capabilities and share ways to better leverage AvSight’s reporting functionality.


This workshop will be valuable for all AvSight Users. Users who make data driven decisions – such as leadership, finance, and operations will find it to be especially impactful.


Bonus Masterclass Workshop – Working with Calculated Fields

Working with calculated fields is one of the most powerful, yet oft overlooked, ways to work smarter in Salesforce. Have you ever wanted to send automated core due reminders, report on credit usage, or understand which products have the highest ROI? From actionable insights to automated notifications, calculated fields are at the core of many of our favorite AvSight capabilities. If you’re serious about transforming your business, this Bonus Masterclass Workshop is a session you don’t want to miss.


Admins, SMEs, Execs, Finance, and others in data driven roles will find this session particularly valuable.

Save Your Spot

Improved Session Descriptions

Sessions are only valuable if you attend the right ones. This year, special attention is being given to the session names and descriptions to make sure attendees know what to expect. Additionally, we’ll be sharing details on which roles and segments will benefit from each session and which Salesforce Trailheads and AvSight Knowledge Base articles you should review in advance for maximum benefit.

New Event App

Managing your schedule, asking questions, and keeping up with other event details will be much easier this year, thanks to a User Group Summit app. This event app will provide at-a-glance event details and allow you to create your own personal schedule. It also allows you to easily ask questions during sessions, network with other attendees, schedule tech support appointments, and get in touch with the AvSight event team.

Join Us at the User Group Summit

These sneak peeks are just a sample of the valuable sessions that User Group attendees will have the opportunity to experience. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow your AvSight skills, connect with other users, and shape the future of the AvSight platform.

Advance pricing ends August 12th, so what are you waiting for? Grab your spot now!

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